What makes us the experts in heat sealing


Having spent many years selling and repairing heat sealing and shrink wrapping our knowledge base has grown on not only the mechanics of heat sealing but also in the appreciation that every heat and shrink wrapping application is ever so slightly different.

This not only includes the vast array of products that can be heat sealed or wrapped tightly for display and product protection with shrink wrapping, but also the physical environment around the machine.

These environments can range from clean and sterile applications such as the medical and electronics industries right through to transport and warehousing were anything and everything may require heat sealing into a secure polythene bag or shrink wrapping either for display or transit to customers.

Our vast range of bag heat sealers and shrink wrapping machines we hope to think cover most applications that can be required in production, fulfilment and co pack operations.

We have simple cost effective bar heat sealing machines all the way through to wider machines with heat and cool timers and magnetic hold down of the sealing bars. With the ability to recognize and apply basic engineering techniques allows us to offer impartial advice with the understanding that expensive is not always the best way forward.